Tuesday, August 24, 2010

50 Best Fiction Adventure Books | The Art of Manliness


I found this interesting article while looking up adventure fiction. It talks about some of the most important adventure books that a man should read in order to be a man. I must not be a real man yet.
I've read some of them, but I hadn't heard about a lot of them, but I'm pretty excited to look them up and read them. I want to read The Lost World and She. They all seem like good adventure books.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Adventure novel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


An interesting article about what an adventure novel is. It's only a paragraph long, so it's worth the two minutes

"Adventure novels take the setting and premise of these other genres, but the fast-paced plot of an adventure focuses on the actions of the hero within the setting."


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This article doesn't necessarily talk about adventure fiction or treasure books, but it's a good article about how to write a novel written by a well-known writing agent who I follow

Nathan Bransford

Nathan Bransford - Literary Agent: How to Write a Novel:  blog.nathanbransford.com/2010/08/how-to-write-nove....html


Post from Cameron Sutter, author at CHUM.LY

I was just reading a bit about adventure fiction and came across this interesting website. It's a little old (it references Spiderman coming out this summer ... and I'm assuming the first Spiderman movie), but it was interesting.

IS 590: A Few Thoughts on Adventure Fiction:  web.utk.edu/~wrobinso/590_lec_advent.html

"Comic books, influenced by the pulp magazines, have played and continue to play an important role in stimulating interest in adventure fiction among children, teens, and adults."


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today Tellurian Suns

Rock of Divisions begins the arduous transition from written word, to typed manuscript.
For those of you new to the Tellurian Suns trilogy, it's an adventure fiction, treasure book. Rock of Divisions is the second of the trilogy and it's first draft was finished a couple weeks ago before our big move. http://chum.ly/n/29a50c

Monday, August 16, 2010

Post from Cameron Sutter, author at CHUM.LY

I just got up and running in my new apartment. I'm ready to start writing again.
Since I finished the second draft of Tellurian Suns: Rock of Divisions, I'm going to start editing it and get it ready for the (hopeful) January launch. Wish me luck

##novel ##adventure ##treasure ##book http://chum.ly/n/2952ae