Tuesday, August 24, 2010

50 Best Fiction Adventure Books | The Art of Manliness


I found this interesting article while looking up adventure fiction. It talks about some of the most important adventure books that a man should read in order to be a man. I must not be a real man yet.
I've read some of them, but I hadn't heard about a lot of them, but I'm pretty excited to look them up and read them. I want to read The Lost World and She. They all seem like good adventure books.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Adventure novel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


An interesting article about what an adventure novel is. It's only a paragraph long, so it's worth the two minutes

"Adventure novels take the setting and premise of these other genres, but the fast-paced plot of an adventure focuses on the actions of the hero within the setting."


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This article doesn't necessarily talk about adventure fiction or treasure books, but it's a good article about how to write a novel written by a well-known writing agent who I follow

Nathan Bransford

Nathan Bransford - Literary Agent: How to Write a Novel:  blog.nathanbransford.com/2010/08/how-to-write-nove....html


Post from Cameron Sutter, author at CHUM.LY

I was just reading a bit about adventure fiction and came across this interesting website. It's a little old (it references Spiderman coming out this summer ... and I'm assuming the first Spiderman movie), but it was interesting.

IS 590: A Few Thoughts on Adventure Fiction:  web.utk.edu/~wrobinso/590_lec_advent.html

"Comic books, influenced by the pulp magazines, have played and continue to play an important role in stimulating interest in adventure fiction among children, teens, and adults."


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Today Tellurian Suns

Rock of Divisions begins the arduous transition from written word, to typed manuscript.
For those of you new to the Tellurian Suns trilogy, it's an adventure fiction, treasure book. Rock of Divisions is the second of the trilogy and it's first draft was finished a couple weeks ago before our big move. http://chum.ly/n/29a50c

Monday, August 16, 2010

Post from Cameron Sutter, author at CHUM.LY

I just got up and running in my new apartment. I'm ready to start writing again.
Since I finished the second draft of Tellurian Suns: Rock of Divisions, I'm going to start editing it and get it ready for the (hopeful) January launch. Wish me luck

##novel ##adventure ##treasure ##book http://chum.ly/n/2952ae

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sparrow copy

So there's this new thing called an A.R. Drone by Parrot which looks a lot like Sparrow from Tellurian Suns. I'm not going to say that he's exactly like Sparrow, but it's pretty close to what I imagined. It's even got an iPhone app to control it.

Just add some small solar panels, add a hard drive and few more tweaks and you would think they read my book before building it.
Oh, and I definitely want one. Maybe they'll use it for the movie *when* it comes out.

Disclaimer: My book was on the market before I ever knew about the A.R. Drone and I started writing Tellurian Suns years before the A.R. Drone was announced.

In the comments tell me how you pictured Sparrow looking.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Rock of Divisions - first draft

I just finished the first draft of Book 2 (Rock of Divisions) of the Tellurian Suns trilogy! It's a very emotional ending and I can't wait to let people start reading it. I would say you could expect a launch sometime in January. It will be on a Lion's Day, which you'll have to read Book 2 to understand.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

First fan letter!

I got my first fan letter today! I'm so excited. It's from my grandma, but hey that doesn't make it any less special. I'm gonna quote some of it just because I think it's so cool and awesome of my Grandma Marge to write me like that.
"I just finished your book and was very impressed and enjoyed it very much. You didn't have page after page of description like so many novels I've read. You had conversation and action. It was great and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Love and best wishes to you and Milexis
Your #1 fan
Grandma Marge"

That's the coolest thing that's happened to me as a writer so far. I'm definitely keeping that letter for posterity. Thanks, Grandma.

P.S. she also asked "What's with the 'boot and puddles'" in my dedication. I didn't think that that many people would care about a silly dedication, but I guess so. Should I tell her what it's about?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Welcome to the new website

My blog is now being hosted on cameronsutter.com which I'm very excited for. It's a lot easier to tell people how to find me by saying "oh just go to cameronsutter.com" than, "well, do you have a pen, OK, just go here to sites.google.com/site/telluriansuns"
I also gave the 'ole template a face lift and it looks a lot better. I'm not sure if it fits me perfectly, but it's pretty close.
I'm also going to be updating my profile soon with more detailed info about myself. I'm trying to define my brand better which just happens to be my own name ... scary.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

SWAG added!

Today marks an important day! There is now an official Tellurian Suns Tshirt you can get. It even has the Aztec Sun Stone "tattoo" on the back. Check it out

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tellurian Suns (Book 2) progress

So I officially started "production" of book 2 in the Tellurian Suns trilogy. I had written bits and pieces before, but now I'm in full swing writing mode. It sure feels good, let me say that. Also, the ideas have just been flowing and it's turning out to be an awesome book. I can't wait to finish it.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


So I've been trying to develop an origin story for Zeck to put into book 2: Rock of Divisions. (Hopefully all you Tellurian Suns fans are excited for that) I was asking my wife yesterday for some good ideas and after bouncing some ideas back and forth, we came up with an awesome origin story for Zeck. Not only does it tell why he is the special (is the the right description for him?) way that he is, but it helps us understand his targeted loathing for some of the characters in book 1. I'm extremely excited about it and thanks go out to my inspiration not only for this small part of book 2, but also my inspiration to keep being a better person: my wife Milexis. Thanks, honey

Saturday, March 20, 2010

March discount

Until the end of March, the print version of Tellurian Suns is 10% off! Lulu is doing a promotion, so now is the time to get it if you haven't already. Go here and use the coupon code IDES at checkout.

To follow up with the "Read an e-book week," there are now 35 people who have bought (for free) the e-book version of Tellurian Suns. It's not Dan Brown, but it's a good start. It's impossible to know who or if they even read it, or what they thought of it, but at least 35 more people have a copy. And 6 people have downloaded a free sample, which by the way is always free at smashwords

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Free Ebook

Until March 13th, the Ebook version of Tellurian Suns: Seeing the Light is free. You can download it (DRM free) for just about any of your mobile devices at: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/8571

Use the coupon code: RFREE. If you have any questions, shoot me an email and hopefully I can help you get it free!

Free book to ...

So today I gave a free book to where I get my hair cut. I figure when people are waiting for a hair cut they can glance at that and maybe take note of the contact info and/or google the title when they get home. It's kind of an experiment in marketing. I know it will be hard to know if I get any sales from that book I placed, but who knows what could come of it.
I wish I had my own business cards, though. I wrote some info on the back of the business's business card and stuck it in the book (with their permission, of course), but it would have been much nicer to have a little stack of my business cards in there for people that are interested. I'll have to work on getting my own business cards.
If you have any other marketing ideas, lay them on me in the comments. I'm open for suggestions!

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Cover is a go!

The brand new cover is awesome, and now all books that sell are with the new cover. Already, several have been sold with the new cover. Exciting, huh?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

First copy signed

I signed the first copy of my book today! It was for the VP of the company I work for. And I must say that it was one of the worst signatures that I’ve ever written. I don’t know if I was nervous or trying too hard to make it look good, or what, but it just came out bad.

Anyway, sorry to everyone out there who wanted to be the first to get their copy of my book signed, but it’s already taken. Not that anyone wanted to be the first, but I just feel cool saying it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New cover design

Good news everyone: The cover of my book is about to get a facelift! I got a professional graphic design artist to design my cover and by the way he describes the idea he has in his head it's gonna look awesome. He said he probably should have it done by this weekend, so as of next week sometime you'll see it as the picture on the left column here.

In other news, the Tellurian Suns facebook page now has over 100 fans. Thanks to everyone for spreading the word. Let's see if we can continue to tell people about my novel and get the word out there. Thanks again.