Wednesday, November 25, 2009


A while ago I had found this software to help authors organize their novels, but at the time either I didn't look at it well enough or it wasn't something that I saw as useful. But now, version 5 is out and well, it looks like a very useful tool.

So today I downloaded it and am trying it for book 2 of Tellurian Suns (working title is Rock of Divisions). It looks cool so far. Check it out:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Self publishing

So I decided that I'm going to go the self-publishing route. There were a lot of things the influenced the decision, but I think in the long run this will be a good thing for me.

Launch is set for sometime in January! It's going to be a great day.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Self Publishing to-do list

My list of things to do in order to be a successful self-published author is growing:

1.Format the book
2.Google Books
3.Google Site
4.Books websites:
7.Amazon Marketplace
9.Paypal account
10.CRM software
11.Bzz Agent WOM compaign

I already have a Facebook page (you can become a fan of Tellurian Suns to the left!) so that's one less thing to do. Once I get the book formatted then all the other stuff needs to get done as soon as possible so people can find the book, learn about it, and buy it.